Sunday, January 9, 2011

I had a questionable catscan in December

I must say that being a cancer survivor really brings home the saying, "let go and let God." This cancer journey keeps me on my toes and has taught me not to take one day for granted. None of us knows when God will take us home and that is why living every day to it's fullest is so important. I was forty-one years old when I was diagnosed with lung cancer. I now look at life very differen't and know that every day I'm alive is a blessing.

I had my routine catscan this past December. My oncologist told me that the scan was questionable because it showed a spot on my right lower lobe of my lung. The same lung that had a tumor almost seven years ago. I was a bit shaken up with the news that the scan was abnormal but my oncologist isn't real concerned. I have had two past catscans that were abnormal and they eventually turned out to be nothing to worry about.

I am trying to keep positive and hold onto some reassuring facts my oncologist gave me at this last appointment. She reminded me:
  • I have had two abnormal catscans in the past and they turned out to be nothing to worry about.
  • I was given a 20-25% chance of survival within the first five years. I have moved past six years which is very promising.
  • She gave me the choice to go back for the follow-up scan in three or six months. If she was this comfortable letting me wait six months, she can't be too worried. I'll be back in three months for my own piece of mind.
  • She stated that she tends to worry a lot about her patients but she is not too concerned about this scan.
  • The type of lung cancer I had, usually comes back within three years if it comes back at all. I will be celebrating my seven year cancer-free this coming March.  My anniversary is March 17, St. Patrick's Day. I have the luck of the Irish on my side.
  • If the normal population was getting cat-scans as often as I do, they would have abnormal scans from time to time.
I hope you'll say a prayer that all will be fine when I go for my follow-up scan in March. God Bless you all and remember that life is a gift from God.

My Mom and Dad who I know are watching over me from heaven


  1. I like your title! Let God....... I pray everything will be clear!You have already been so blessed. Reminds me of the saying" If He brings me to it,He will see me through it...." May the trails of the past with this condition give you hope for the future! Jackie/Louisiana Bayou Lady

  2. Hi Jackie. Thanks so much for your kind words. I love that saying you wrote and it will stay in my mind during times of panic and fear. God Bless and I shall keep you updated.
